Teachers’ favourite
On track with learning
Client: North Lanarkshire Council, Scotland – Maths Quality Improvement team

On Track With Learning started life when the Maths team at North Lanarkshire Council began researching how Maths teachers could be supported to deliver quality results, alongside the introduction of a new, national curriculum.
They identified a need for tools to help with wider lesson planning and curriculum coverage, and a tender was put out to supply a new curriculum-planning prototype, which we’re delighted to say that NVable won.
We then worked closely together with our client to create a working prototype web application and resultant system, On Track With Learning, which met their planning and monitoring objectives, as well as providing teachers with the functionality to:
- Manage classrooms of pupils, including splitting them into groups (especially for Primary School classes)
- Plan schedules of lessons on a calendar
- Visually plan individual lessons for the class and any groupings, while associating the lesson with Learning Intentions and required resources
- Easily record qualitative assessments across the whole class, class groups and individuals
- Provide overviews of lesson planning for the Head Teacher
- Provide analysis of curriculum coverage across a school and for individual pupils.
On Track With Learning was subsequently adopted by SEEMiS Group, to be integrated into their platform used by 32 Scottish Councils.
“On Track with Learning is a comprehensive, powerful and highly innovative web-based tool which enables staff to plan, track and profile individual pupil learning and achievement within the new curriculum for pupils aged 3-15.” Cosla Excellence Awards (Service Innovation and Improvement)