• Converge Electronic Techlog being used by BACF pilots

    Digitising the Aircraft Technical Log

    For a while Dave Cooper (British Airways Cityflyer), Rob Woods (Air Arabia) and I have considered putting together some of the lessons we have learned about electronic techlogs over the years. There remains a lot of apprehension about making that change despite the benefits and there is often uncertainty about how to approach introducing the change. With that in mind, we thought that combining the airline experience both Rob and Dave have in implementing techlog solutions with my experience of developing those solutions might provide the community with some useful information.

    And the result is the PDF you can download from our Resources section on the website. I stress that the document is not a sales pitch – it does not talk about NVable’s solution (although I am more than happy to help you with that!). It is meant as an unbiased view of what we believe are the most important factors to be considered in moving from a paper techlog to an electronic one. These, of course, are our views – you may agree or disagree, but the intention is to share knowledge.


    By |May 17th, 2016|News|0 Comments